Friday, July 30, 2010

mak pertama kali.

a story about last week..
my mom's pertama kali, pergi ke KFC..!!!..
caya lah mummy.. hehe.. *-*

Monday, July 19, 2010

when a place is no longer a heaven

this one is pitiful.. full of tense.. its a mental bullying,
its no use, bursting into tears for 4 nights in a row, but you will somehow,
bear the ending that you will lose more that what you own,
or already have...

stand tall.. and dont forget to pray. to god that you will not be a loser that much..
to change, its not easy..
so hard to satisfy all the parties..

whats in their head??
i am sorry, yes i admit..
can we just let bygone be bygone..
i am begging..

Saturday, July 3, 2010

my last saturday

this is so not cool, it was the last saturday i had,,, i mean at home!.
after this , i have to juggle my life all by myself,
being away on the deserted place,
feels so alienated... stop!!. please stop!. *ok, not a poem again..

i am screwed by the feeling that i have to live away from a nest i called home..
even living away isn't something new.. hey, since 13 i live in hostel (proud of me). such a good girl with a so-so reputation..

so this is just a short note saying goodbye.
i promise i will cry on the first night, thinking how good to be on my own bed, wakeing up feeling happy (fake smile for sure), try to be with my friends, keep talking like the story never end, going to class patiently, show some love to mathematics, pretend that i am hungry & eat a lot.. i will be so pathetic, for a week.. 5 days until 9th july.

on friday.. i am going back~ home~ .. this is not a sad story of a little girl for sure.. lol.
happy for myself with the fact that i am not going to suffer that much..
i pray that everything will turn out smoothly..

happy ending. *-*

cuti semester & UiTM

bye2.. 2 bulan dah tamat.!CUTI SEMESTER.

pikir-pikir pe kejayaan dalam 2 bulan ni??..
-jadi baby sitter (khidmat masyarakat kat umah)
-jadi surfer sukses.. online 18jam 1 hari.
-jadi komentar, terhadap komen2 para sahabat di fb,TAGGED(dah deactivate guna 5 hari je).
-join forum, conference, _Y.M, SKYPE. chat serata dunia.

kejayaan plg BESAR-
>>menurunkan berat badan, yeay!!.. nak jerit kuat2 penuh semangat..
turun 2 kilo.. ha3. tp masih berjaya~ok..


di fb, seorang budak yg macam best & kinda cool to me.. telah add aku.. *thanks..
salu borak bersama, lebih kurang tiap hari.. hari hari..
sangat la baik budakny.. rajin melayan karenah aku yang lebih budak dari dia.
she is 15.. dan aku 14. tettt..

aku memang sangat rajin kipas orang. (being a fan).. sebab dia pun kipas aku jugak... thanks again, AIDA.. such a great kid.. all the best!!.

I love you..

banyak kebaikan boleh diperoleh jika berstatus pelajar uitm, antarany:

cuti semester sangat panjang,
study week yang lama,
persekitaran yang kondusif & ceria,
sangat mengambil kira kebajikan pelajarny,
kos hidup yang murah. MURAH,SANGAT MURAH... -faveret aku.
yuran murah, makanan murah, baju jualan murah, kos sara diri termurah. &banyak lagi diskaun hebat??!.. ??....
bayangkan berapa banyak duit ptptn dpat dijimatkan?.sumpah.. banyak.!. $$$$$$.

jadi kalau nak isi UPU, sila timbangkan nama UiTM..

*cuma 68% yang akan bersetuju dgn fakta di atas.. 32% termasuk aku, akan membangkangnya.. oh! tidak..

Friday, July 2, 2010

jom gelak

senaman perut.. lebih selim lepas menonton 10x..
ketawa tak henti.. best2.. !!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

outing report

today,friday, saturday.!..
yesterday was a thrill.. ha3.. had an awesome evening with 3 girls..
chan siew mei, rand nikolai & a cassiopeias.. sorry, no picture was taken.!!! its a private gathering btw, or.. should i say "exclusive"??.. ha3.

location: pizza hut>watson>pinko>sweet choice>kfc>>>end!

thought that its end there?? nope. the gossips went straight into fb!!.. hell, why on earth we cant put a period to a thing name gossip?/ *sigh.

let see.. >>
well well well, this is the starter.

sorry main course cant be included for some reasons. we might get our heads off the body,! like seriously,,, its about us, 4 people.. i'l be a dead meat if i post the picture, eventhough i have it.. lol. keep it as weapon.

while surfing on youtube.. i came across a song by N-DUBZ
title: playing with fire.
i like this song,.. for some reasons..
the lyrics, i mean.. wow..
here's the snippet>

Thoughts running wild through the night as I watch you sleep
I can't help but check his texts while he's passed out next to me
I'm on some CSI behaviour, Who's gonna save ya?
You'll be the fool when the truth comes out ------------------>*i like*
But when those lights come on and what's her face is gone we're straight back to the same routine

I tried to believe every word of your sweet story
But intuition keeps telling me
Your making a fool outta me

::its worth listening to this song,.!!.
i wonder if this ever happen to you (or even me),
dont ever lie, cause you will end up die,
with no tie, but ur face full of pie.. lol.
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